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This list is curated by GYA (Dr. Robert Lepenies leading a task force of wikidata volunteers) with contributions from Gerard Meijssen and several volunteers. If you want to be part of this, let us know.
List of NYAs or similar early-career organizations
(for GYA scroll down...)
- Albania Albanian Young Academy
- Austria Junge Akademie
- Bangladesh National Young Academy of Bangladesh
- Belgium Jonge Academie
- Benin Academy of Young Scientists of Benin
- Canada College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada
- Cameroon Cameroon Academy of Young Scientists
- Denmark Young Academy of Denmark
- Egypt Egyptian Young Academy of Sciences
- Ethiopia Ethiopian Young Academy of Sciences
- Estonia Estonian Young Academy of Sciences
- Finland Young Academy Finland
- Germany Die Junge Akademie
- Ghana Ghana Young Academy
- Hungary Fiatal Kutatók Akadémiája
- India Indian National Young Academy of Science
- Indonesia Indonesian Young Academy of Sciences
- Israel Young Academy of Sciences of Israel
- Japan Young Academy of Japan
- Kenya Kenya National Young Academy of Sciences
- Korea Young Korean Academy of Science and Technology
- Lithuania Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
- Netherlands De Jonge Akademie
- Nigeria Nigerian Young Academy
- Pakistan National Academy of Young Scientists Pakistan
- Poland Polish Young Academy
- Romania Romanian Young Academy
- Scotland Young Academy of Scotland
- Spain Young Academy of Spain
- Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Academy of Young Scientists
- Sudan Sudanese Academy of Young Scientists
- Senegal Académie Nationale des Jeunes Scientifiques du Sénégal
- South Africa South African Young Academy of Science
- Sweden Young Academy of Sweden
- Switzerland Swiss Young Academy
- Tanzania Tanzania Young Academy of Sciences
- Thailand Thai Young Scientists Academy
- Uganda Uganda National Young Academy
- Venezuela Red de jóvenes investigadores de Venezuela
- Vietnam Vietnam Young Academy
- Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Young Academy of Science
- World Global Young Academy
similar early-career organizations
- Arab-German Arab-German Young Academy
- ASEAN ASEAN Young Scientists Network
- Australia Australian Early- and Mid-Career Researcher Forum (EMCR Forum)
- Azerbaijan Council of young scientists and specialists of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Science
- Belarus Council of Young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
- Brazil Young Affiliates of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences
- Burundi Burundi Council of Young Scientists
- Europe Young Academy of Europe
- Hong-Kong Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences
- Kazakhstan Council of Young Scientists at the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Latvia Association of Latvian Young Scientists
- Montenegro Centre of Young Scientists and Artists of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
- New Zealand Royal Society Te Apārangi’s Early Career Researcher Forum
- Russia Council of Young Researchers of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- TWAS TWAS Young Affiliates Network
- United States of America New Voices in Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
Early Career awards
- Edgeworth David Medal - General
- Dufferin Medal - 1872-1878 - General
- European Prize in Combinatorics - Mathematics
- Gribov Medal - theoretical elementary particle physics or quantum field theory
- Jos Jaspars Medal
- European Research Council Starting Grant
- Schwäbisch Gmünd Prize
- Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize
- Klung Wilhelmy Science Award
- Otto Hahn Award - Max Planck Institute, general
- Otto Hahn Medal - Max Planck Institute, general
- Kihara Memorial Foundation Academic Award - Max Planck Institute, general
- Novartis Early Career Award in Organic Chemistry - Organic Chemistry
United Kingdom
- Adams Prize - General
- Fröhlich Prize - Mathematics
- Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis - Mathematics
- Kohn Award
- Royal Society Africa Award
- T. S. Ashton Prize - Economic and/or social history
- Whitehead Prize - Mathematics
United States
- Adolph Lomb Medal
- Charles F. Richter Early Career Award - Seismology
- Early Career Life Scientist Award - Cell biology
- Herbert Baxter Adams Prize - European history
- IEEE Sensors Council Early Career GOLD Award
- Innovators Under 35
- Innovators Under 35 - Asia Pacific
- Innovators Under 35 - Europe
- Innovators Under 35 - India
- Innovators Under 35 - Latin America
- Innovators Under 35 - MENA
- Innovators Under 35 - China
- Innovators Under 35 - Japan
- Larry Sandler Memorial Award - Drosophila
- Peter Mark Memorial Award
- Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers - General
- Ruth Shonle Cavan Young Scholar Award - Criminology]]
- Searle Scholars Program - biomedical research and chemistry
- Thomas J.R. Hughes Young Investigator Award
- WICB Junior Award - Cell biology