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Die Rankine Lecture ist eine Ehrung für Leistungen in der Geotechnik der British Geotechnical Association und gilt in diesem Bereich als eine der höchsten Ehrungen. Sie werden seit 1961 gehalten und in der Zeitschrift Géotechnique veröffentlicht. In geradzahligen Jahren kommt der Geehrte aus Großbritannien, in ungeradzahligen aus dem Ausland. Bis 1972 wurden sie im Sitz der Institution of Civil Engineers gehalten, danach am Imperial College. Sie sind nach dem Pionier der Bodenmechanik William John Macquorn Rankine benannt.
- 1961 Arthur Casagrande: Control of seepage through foundations and abutments of dams
- 1962 Leonard Frank Cooling: Field measurements in soil mechanics
- 1963 Armand Mayer: Recent work in rock mechanics
- 1964 Alec Skempton: Long-term stability of clay slopes
- 1965 Nathan M. Newmark: Effects of earthquakes on dams and embankments
- 1966 Alan W. Bishop: The strength of soils as engineering materials
- 1967 Laurits Bjerrum: Engineering geology of Norwegian normally-consolidated marine clays as related to settlements of buildings
- 1968 Rudolph Glossop: The rise of geotechnology and its influence on engineering practice
- 1969 Ralph Peck: Advantages and limitations of the observational method in applied soil mechanics
- 1970 Kenneth Harry Roscoe: The influence of strains in soil mechanics
- 1971 John Conrad Jaeger: Friction of rocks and stability of rock slopes
- 1972 Peter Rowe: The relevance of soil fabric to site investigation practice
- 1973 T. William Lambe: Predictions in soil engineering
- 1974 R. E. Gibson: The analytical method in soil mechanics
- 1975 Jean Kerisel: Old structures in relation to soil conditions
- 1976 A. C. Meigh: The Triassic rocks, with particular reference to predicted and observed performance of some major foundations
- 1977 Victor de Mello: Reflections on design decisions of practical significance to embankment dams
- 1978 William Hallam Ward: Ground supports for tunnels in weak rocks
- 1979 Harry Bolton Seed: Considerations in the earthquake-resistant design of earth and rockfill dams
- 1980 Andrew Noel Schofield: Cambridge geotechnical centrifuge operations
- 1981 Norbert R. Morgenstern: Geotechnical engineering and frontier resource development
- 1982 David Henkel: Geology, geomorphology and geotechnics
- 1983 Evert Hoek: Strength of jointed rock masses
- 1984 Peter Wroth: The interpretation of in situ soil tests
- 1985 Nilmar Janbu: Soil models in offshore engineering
- 1986 Arthur Penman: On the embankment dam
- 1987 Ronald F. Scott: Failure
- 1988 Hugh B. Sutherland: Uplift resistance in soils
- 1989 Harry Poulos: Pile behaviour – theory and application
- 1990 John Burland: On the compressibility and shear strength of natural clays
- 1991 James K. Mitchell: Conduction phenomena: from theory to geotechnical practice
- 1992 Brian Simpson: Retaining structures: displacement and design
- 1993 Kenji Ishihara: Liquefaction and flow failure during earthquakes
- 1994 Peter Rolfe Vaughan: Assumption, prediction and reality in geotechnical engineering
- 1995 Richard E. Goodman: Block theory and its application
- 1996 Stephen F. Brown: Soil mechanics in pavement engineering
- 1997 Geoffrey E. Blight: Interactions between the atmosphere and the Earth
- 1998 David Hight: Soil characterisation: the importance of structure and anisotropy
- 1999 Serge Leroueil: Natural slopes and cuts: movement and failure mechanisms[1]
- 2000 John H. Atkinson: Non-linear soil stiffness in routine design
- 2001 Heinz Brandl: Energy foundations and other thermo-active ground structures
- 2002 David M. Potts: Numerical analysis: a virtual dream or practical reality?
- 2003 Mark F. Randolph: Science and empiricism in pile foundation design
- 2004 Nicolas Ambraseys: Engineering, seismology and soil mechanics
- 2005 R. K. Rowe: Long term performance of contaminant barrier systems
- 2006 Robert Mair: Tunnelling and geotechnics – new horizons
- 2007 Antonio Gens: Soil-environment interactions in geotechnical engineering
- 2008 James A. Charles: The engineering behaviour of fill – the use, misuse and disuse of case histories
- 2009 Thomas O’Rourke: Geohazards and large geographically distributed systems
- 2010 Chris Clayton: Stiffness at small strain – research and practice
- 2011 Scott W. Sloan: Geotechnical stability analysis
- 2012 Malcolm Bolton: Performance-based design in geotechnical engineering
- 2013 Michele Jamiolkowski: Soil Mechanics and the observational method
- 2014 Guy T. Houlsby: Interactions in Offshore Foundation Design
- 2015 Suzanne Lacasse: Hazard, risk and reliability in geotechnical practice
- 2016 Richard Jardine: Geotechnics and Energy
- 2017 Eduardo Alonso: Triggering and Motion of Landslides
- 2018 Nick O’Riordan: Dynamic soil-structure interaction
- 2019 George Gazetas: Benefits of Unconventional Seismic Foundation Design
- 2020/2021 ausgefallen
- 2022 Stephan Jefferis: The Unusual and the Unexpected in Geotechnical Engineering: Observation – Analogy – Experiment
- 2023 John Carter: Constitutive Modelling in Computational Geomechanics
- 2024 Lidija Zdravkovic: Geotechnical Engineering for a Sustainable Society[2]
- 2025 Kenichi Soga[3]
Anmerkungen und Einzelnachweise
- ↑ Zunächst war J. R. Booker von der Universität Sydney zum Rankine Lecturer für 1999 ernannt worden, starb aber vorher.
- ↑ Nia Kajastie: 62nd Rankine Lecture to delve into 'Geotechnical engineering for a sustainable society'. In: Ground Engineering. 8. November 2023, abgerufen am 16. März 2024 (englisch).
- ↑ Professor Kenichi Soga announced as 63rd Rankine Lecturer. In: britishgeotech.org. Abgerufen am 16. März 2024 (englisch).