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Commons: National Register of Historic Places in Massachusetts – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien
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Einträge in der Kategorie „Denkmal im National Register of Historic Places (Massachusetts)“
Folgende 200 Einträge sind in dieser Kategorie, von 304 insgesamt.
(vorherige Seite) (nächste Seite)A
- Adams Academy
- John Adams Birthplace
- Adventure (Schiff, 1926)
- African Meeting House
- Ahearn House and Summer House
- Alewife Brook Parkway
- American Antiquarian Society
- Larz Anderson Park
- Annisquam Bridge
- Anthony House
- Nathan Appleton Residence
- The Arcade (Massachusetts)
- Arnold-Arboretum
- Colonel John Ashley House
- Äther-Dom
- Atwood-Higgins Historic District
- Avant House (Massachusetts)
- Frederick Ayer Mansion
- Back Bay (Boston)
- John Balch House
- Maria Baldwin House
- Bardwell’s Ferry Bridge
- Barn House
- Parson Barnard House
- Baxter Mill
- Beacon Hill (Boston)
- Belvidere Hill Historic District
- Captain James Berry House
- George D. Birkhoff House
- Blackstone Viaduct
- Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory
- Blue Hills Parkway
- Blue Hills Reservation Parkways
- Boardman House (Massachusetts)
- Boston Athenæum
- Boston Common
- Boston Finishing Works
- Boston Fish Pier Historic District
- Boston Harbor Islands Archeological District
- Boston Manufacturing Company
- Boston National Historical Park
- Boston Naval Shipyard
- Old West Church (Massachusetts)
- Boston Public Garden
- Boston Public Library
- Boston South Station
- St. Stephen’s Church (Boston)
- John F. Kennedy Federal Building
- Trinity Church (Boston)
- Bourne High School (Altbau)
- Bourne Town Hall
- Jonathan Bourne Public Library
- Bournedale Village School
- Nathaniel Bowditch House
- Louis Brandeis House
- Thomas Bray Farm
- Breakheart Reservation
- Brick Block
- Bridge Road Cemetery
- Percy W. Bridgman House
- Briggs Carriage Company
- George I. Briggs House
- Brook Farm
- William Cullen Bryant Homestead
- Buckman Tavern
- Bunker Hill Monument
- Parson Capen House
- USS Cassin Young (DD-793)
- Castle Hill (Ipswich, Massachusetts)
- Cathedral Church of St. Paul (Boston)
- Center Methodist Church
- Central Fire Station (Barnstable County, Massachusetts)
- CG 36500
- Charles River Reservation
- Charles River Reservation Parkways
- Charles Winship House
- Chase Library
- Chatham Railroad Depot
- Chatham Windmill
- Chestnut Hill Reservation
- Christ Church (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
- Church of the Covenant (Boston)
- Claflin-Richards House
- Cobb Memorial Library
- Codman Square District
- Jethro Coffin House
- Coleman Bridge (Massachusetts)
- Cole’s Hill
- College of the Holy Cross
- Collins Cottages Historic District
- Concord Monument Square-Lexington Road Historic District
- Constitution (Schiff, 1798)
- Converse Memorial Library
- Cove Burying Ground
- Crane and Company Old Stone Mill Rag Room
- Thomas Crane Public Library
- Crowell-Bourne Farm
- Paul Cuffe Farm
- Cushing House Museum and Garden
- U.S. Customhouse (Bristol County, Massachusetts)
- Reginald A. Daly House
- Daniel Chester French Home and Studio
- Daniel Webster Law Office
- Davenport Estate Historic District
- William M. Davis House
- Deane-Winthrop-Haus
- Old Deerfield Historic District
- Derby Summer House
- Emily Dickinson Museum
- Dighton Rock
- Dimock Community Health Center Complex
- Dorchester-Milton Lower Mills Industrial District
- W.E.B. Dubois Boyhood Homesite
- Dustin House
- The Dutch House
- Fairbanks House (Massachusetts)
- Faneuil Hall
- Fells Connector Parkways
- Fenway Park
- Fenway Studios
- Reginald A. Fessenden House
- Fire Station No. 7
- First Church of Christ, Unitarian
- Flint Public Library
- Flying Horses Carousel
- Fogg Art Museum
- Follansbee House
- Captain Robert Bennet Forbes House
- Forest Hills Cemetery
- Fort Hill Rural Historic District
- Fort Independence (Massachusetts)
- Fort Warren (Massachusetts)
- Francis Parkman House
- Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site
- Fresh Pond Parkway
- Fruitlands (Kommune)
- Fruitlands Museums Historic District
- Furnace Brook Parkway
- William Lloyd Garrison House
- Gay Head/Aquinnah Town Center Historic District
- Gibson House Museum
- Goddard Rocket Launching Site
- Gore Place
- Gott House
- Gov. Thomas Hutchinson’s Ha-ha
- Governor Hutchinson’s Field
- Granite Keystone Bridge
- Granite Railway
- Greenwood Farm (Ipswich, Massachusetts)
- Mount Greylock
- Gropius House
- Gypsy (Boot)