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Ähnlicher Begriff: Datei:hos gnd eqp srf.svg
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- DescriptionHOS GND+EQP+SRF.svg APP-6A/MIL-STD-2525A-B symbol frame for affiliation: hostile; battle dimension: ground (unit), equipment, or sea surface…(656 × 656 (945 Bytes)) - 16:55, 24. Nov. 2024
- The SVG code is valid. This 11.5 was created with a text editor. Previous version had been created with Inkscape (2000 bytes) now 11.5% of previous…(112 × 112 (230 Bytes)) - 17:49, 16. Nov. 2022
- when not inferior. File:APP-6a Hostile.png → File:HOS GND+EQP+SRF.svg File:NATO Map Symbol - Enemy Unit - Solid.svg For more information, see Help:SVG.…(64 × 64 (820 Bytes)) - 13:41, 20. Jun. 2023