Here my email and the answers. Note that I removed all email addresses and names to avoid spam. My email:
From: user:Ephraim33
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 9:00 AM
To: ...[name1 removed]
Subject: Image of President Yahya Jammeh
Dear Sir or Madam,
I found your page while doing research for the free online
encyclopedia Wikipedia, and thought your image of President Yahya Jammeh might
be appropriate for inclusion in our articles concerning The Gambia.
I am specifically seeking your permission to use this image:
I would like to include your image in these articles:
In fact I contribute mostly to the German Wikipedia, where The Gambia is
already a good article, and we work on it to make it excellent:
Wikipedia ( is a free encyclopedia that is
collaboratively edited by volunteers from around the world. Our goal is to
create a comprehensive knowledge base that may be freely distributed and
available at no charge.
Normally we ask permission for material to be used under the terms of the
GNU Free Documentation License. This means that although you retain the
copyright and authorship of your own work, you are granting permission for all
others (not just Wikipedia) to use, copy, and share your materials freely -- and
even potentially use them commercially -- so long as they do not try to claim the
copyright themselves, nor prevent others from using or copying them freely.
You can read this license in full at:
This license expressly protects creators from being considered responsible for
modifications made by others, while ensuring that creators are credited for their work.
There is more information on our copyright policy at:
We choose the GFDL because we consider it the best available tool for ensuring our
encyclopedia can remain free for all to use, while providing credit to everyone who donates
text and images. This may or may not be compatible with your goals in creating the materials
available on your website. Please be assured that if permission is not granted, your
materials will not be used at Wikipedia -- we have a very strict policy against copyright
With your permission, we will credit you for your work in the image's permanent description
page, noting that it is your work and is used with your permission, and we will provide a
link back to your website.
We invite your collaboration in writing and editing articles on this subject and any others
that might interest you. Please see the following article for more information.,_newcomers
Thank you for your time and consideration.
The first answer
From: ...[name1 removed]
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 15:24:06 -0500
To: User:Ephraim33
Subject: RE: Image of President Yahya Jammeh
This is fine. If you can just coordinate this with our Digital Manager, .....[name2 removed],
who will "digimarc" the photo before he sends it to you to use.
...[name1 removed]
And the second answer from the Digital Manager.
From: .....[name2 removed]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 11:46:19 -0500
To: User:Ephraim33
Subject: RE: RE: Image of President Yahya Jammeh
Dear Mr. User:Ephraim33,
Yes, you have our permission to use:
Please cite the photo:
Photo courtesy IISD/Earth Negotiations Bulletin
Kind regards,
.....[name2 removed]
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{{Information| |Description=President of The Gambia Yahya Jammeh |Source= |Date= |Author=Photo courtesy IISD/Earth Negotiations Bulletin |Permission=see below |other_versions= }} Here my email and the a
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