\tikzstyle{pointer}=[fill=black, circle, minimum width = 3pt, inner sep=0]
\tikzstyle{array}=[draw, fill=green!40, minimum width = 7mm, minimum height = 7mm]
\tikzstyle{list_node_horizontal}=[draw, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=3, rectangle split horizontal,
rounded corners=2pt,minimum height=5mm, minimum width=15mm, node distance=8mm,fill=red!35]
\tikzstyle{nil}=[draw, rectangle,minimum height=4mm, minimum width=4mm, node distance=5mm]
% Draw left nil pointer
\node[nil, right = of rightpointer0] (leftnil) {};
\draw (leftnil.north east) -- (leftnil.south west);
\draw (leftnil.north west) -- (leftnil.south east);
\coordinate (node0) at (leftnil); % shift list to the right
% Draw Adjacency List
\foreach [count=\j] \element in \adlist {
% a counter the refers to the previous node
\advance\prevnode by -1
% draw the node from the list with a left and a right pointer
\node[list_node_horizontal,right = of node\the\prevnode] (node\j) {\nodepart{two} \element};
\path[-] let \p1 = (node\j.three), \p2 = (node\j.center) in
node[pointer] (rightpointer\j) at (\x1+2,\y2){};
\path[-] let \p1 = (node\j.text), \p2 = (node\j.center) in
node[pointer] (leftpointer\j) at (\x1+2,\y2){};
%draw incomming link from previous node
\draw[link, bend left=10mm,->] (rightpointer\the\prevnode) edge (node\j);
% if we are not at the first node we draw an edge to to previous node
\ifthenelse{\j > 1}{\draw[link, bend left=5mm,->] (leftpointer\j) edge (node\the\prevnode);}{}
%Check if list is empty
\ifthenelse{\j > 0}{ %non-empty list
% Draw right nil pointer
\node[nil, right = of rightpointer\j] (rightnil) {};
\draw (rightnil.north east) -- (rightnil.south west);
\draw (rightnil.north west) -- (rightnil.south east);
% Draw edges to both nil pointer nodes
\path [link,->] (rightpointer\j) edge (rightnil)
(leftpointer1) edge (leftnil);
{% empty list
% Use the ledt nil pointer as nil pointer for the whole list
\path [link,->] (rightpointer0) edge (leftnil);
% Define graph as a list of pairs, where each pair consists of a node, the delimiter "/" and the set of adjacent nodes.
\newcommand{\inputgraph}{a/{d,b,d,e}, b/{c,a}, c/{b,d}, d/{a,a,c}, e/{a}}
% Draw array and adjacency lists
\foreach [count=\i] \index/\adlist in \inputgraph {
\node[array] (rightpointer0) at (0,-\i*0.7) {\index};
\coordinate (node0) at (0,-\i*0.7);