SISU - ekipa tekniku ministeriu Turizmu ho ekipa tekniku Obras Publiku halo levatamentu dadus ba monumentu Uaimori hodi prepara dezeno nune'e admite ba parte kompetente hodi halo tenderizasaun hafoin hahu konstrusaun moru protesaun ho fasilidade primariu Sira seluk.
"Faze preparasaun desenu nian tanba ne'e ami husi ekipa Ministru Obras Publiku ho ekipa Ministru Turismu komersiu no industria servisu hamutuk ho nune'e mai halo levatamentu dadus para hodi prepara dezenu kona-ba fasilidade primariu ne'ebe maka presiza tau iha situ ida ne'e"Dehan Engeneriu Ministru Turizmu komersiu Industria, diresaun Turizmu komunitariu arsitektura Osorio Soares ba sentru Informasaun Suku Uai-Mori iha ambito levatamentu dadus monumentu,Tersa,(15/11/22).
Ekipa haktuir, Agora tama ba faze visita situ nune'e prepara dezenu hotu pois admitu ba ADN hafoin tama tenderizasaun hodi bele determina tempu konstrusaun no fundu ne'ebe hodi gastu.
"Ami iha ne'e objetivu prinsipal halo levatamentu dadus tekniku nian ha haree situ iha ne'e nian tanba fatin akapamentu resistensia sira nian,"Relata Osorio.
Tanba ne'e ekipa teknikuk garante iha Tinan oin hahu tenderizasaun hodi halo konstrusaun.
Enkunatu ekipa tekniku hirak ne'e haree mos fasilidade primaria tuir planu ekipa nian katak sei harii moru protesaun,haris fatin,nst.
Entretantu ekipa tekniku halo observasaun ba monumentu Uaimori hetan akompana husi representante autoridade lokal no komunidade balun.
This file is in the public domain in East Timor, because it is published and distributed by the Government of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, according to Article 13 of the Indonesia Copyright Law No 6, 1982, which was still valid in East Timor from independence on 20 May 2002 until 27 May 2023.[1]
There shall be no infringement of Copyright for:
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publication and reproduction of anything which is published by or on behalf of the Government, except if the copyright is declared to be protected by law or regulation or by a statement on the work itself or at the time the work is published;
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PD-TLGovPublic domain in the East Timor//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2022-11-15_Monumento_Uai-Mori.jpg
{{Information |description={{tet|1=TEKNIKU MTCI NO MOP HALO LEVATAMENTU DADUS BA MONUMENTU UAIMORI SISU - ekipa tekniku ministeriu Turizmu ho ekipa tekniku Obras Publiku halo levatamentu dadus ba monumentu Uaimori hodi prepara dezeno nune'e admite ba parte kompetente hodi halo tenderizasaun hafoin hahu konstrusaun moru protesaun ho fasilidade primariu Sira seluk. "Faze preparasaun desenu nian tanba ne'e ami husi ekipa Ministru Obras Publiku ho ekipa Ministru Turismu komersiu no industria serv...