This file is in the public domain in East Timor, because it is published and distributed by the Government of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, according to Article 13 of the Indonesia Copyright Law No 6, 1982, which was still valid in East Timor from independence on 20 May 2002 until 27 May 2023.[1]
There shall be no infringement of Copyright for:
publication and reproduction of the symbol of the State and the national anthem in accordance with their original nature;
publication and reproduction of anything which is published by or on behalf of the Government, except if the copyright is declared to be protected by law or regulation or by a statement on the work itself or at the time the work is published;
repetition, either in whole or in part, of news from a news agency, radio or television broadcaster, and newspaper not less than 1 x 24 (one times twenty four) hours counted from the initial publication of such news, and the source there of shall be fully cited.
PD-TLGovPublic domain in the East Timor//
{{Information |description={{pt|1=Sede do Municipio de Dili}} |date=2021-12-16 |source=[ Autoridade Município de Díli] |author=Autoridade Município de Díli |permission= |other versions= }} =={{int:license-header}}== {{PD-TLGov}} {{Object location|1=8|2=33|3=48.1|4=S|5=125|6=34|7=19.0|8=E|9=region:TL-DI}} Category:Buildings in Dili [[Category:Municipal administration's buildings in East...
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