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Commons: Knights of the Garter – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien
Einträge in der Kategorie „Ritter des Hosenbandordens“
Folgende 200 Einträge sind in dieser Kategorie, von 758 insgesamt.
(vorherige Seite) (nächste Seite)A
- Abdülaziz
- Abdülmecid I.
- Antony Acland
- Christopher Addison, 1. Viscount Addison
- Adolf I. (Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf)
- Adolf Friedrich IV. (Mecklenburg)
- Adolf Friedrich V. (Mecklenburg)
- Adolphus Frederick, 1. Duke of Cambridge
- Akihito
- Albert von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha
- Albert I. (Belgien)
- Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale
- Albrecht I. (Bayern)
- Albrecht II. (HRR)
- Alexander I. (Russland)
- Alexander II. (Russland)
- Alexander III. (Russland)
- Albert Alexander, 1. Earl Alexander of Hillsborough
- Harold Alexander, 1. Earl Alexander of Tunis
- Alfons II. (Neapel)
- Alfons V. (Aragón)
- Alfons V. (Portugal)
- Alfons XII.
- Alfons XIII.
- Alfred (Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha)
- Alfred von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha
- Andrew, Duke of York
- Arthur, 1. Duke of Connaught and Strathearn
- William Arundel
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7. Earl of Shaftesbury
- H. H. Asquith
- John Astley (Ritter)
- Clement Attlee
- James Audley († 1369)
- Thomas Audley, 1. Baron Audley of Walden
- Augustus Frederick, 1. Duke of Sussex
- Stanley Baldwin
- Arthur James Balfour, 1. Earl of Balfour
- Evelyn Baring, 1. Baron Howick of Glendale
- John Baring, 7. Baron Ashburton
- Ralph Basset, 3. Baron Basset of Drayton
- Henry Bathurst, 3. Earl Bathurst
- Heinrich Moritz von Battenberg
- Baudouin (Belgien)
- John de Beauchamp, 1. Baron Beauchamp de Warwick
- Richard Beauchamp, 13. Earl of Warwick
- Thomas de Beauchamp, 11. Earl of Warwick
- Thomas de Beauchamp, 12. Earl of Warwick
- William Beauchamp, 1. Baron Bergavenny
- Edmund Beaufort, 1. Duke of Somerset
- John Beaufort, 1. Duke of Somerset
- John Beaufort, 1. Earl of Somerset
- Thomas Beaufort, 1. Duke of Exeter
- John Beaumont, 1. Viscount Beaumont
- John Beaumont, 4. Baron Beaumont
- Johann Wilhelm Bentinck, 1. Earl of Portland
- Bernhard II. (Sachsen-Meiningen)
- Thomas Henry Bingham
- Tony Blair
- Charles Blount, 1. Earl of Devonshire
- William Blount, 4. Baron Mountjoy
- Humphrey de Bohun, 7. Earl of Hereford
- William de Bohun, 1. Earl of Northampton
- Thomas Boleyn, 1. Earl of Wiltshire
- Ralph Boteler, 1. Baron Sudeley
- Henry Bourchier, 1. Earl of Essex
- John Bourchier, 1. Baron Berners
- Claude Bowes-Lyon, 14. Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
- Michael Boyce, Baron Boyce
- Richard Boyle, 3. Earl of Burlington
- Edwin Bramall, Baron Bramall
- Charles Brandon, 1. Duke of Suffolk
- Thomas Brandon
- Reginald Bray
- David Brewer
- Guy Brian, 1. Baron Brian
- Edward Bridges, 1. Baron Bridges
- Harold Rawdon Briggs
- Alan Brooke, 3. Viscount Brookeborough
- Alan Brooke, 1. Viscount Alanbrooke
- Basil Brooke, 1. Viscount Brookeborough
- Henry Brooke, 11. Baron Cobham
- William Brooke, 10. Baron Cobham
- Anthony Browne, 1. Viscount Montagu
- Victor Bruce, 9. Earl of Elgin
- Edmund Brydges, 2. Baron Chandos
- Victor Bulwer-Lytton, 2. Earl of Lytton
- Bartholomew de Burghersh, 2. Baron Burghersh
- Hugh Burnell, 2. Baron Burnell
- James Butler, 1. Duke of Ormonde
- James Butler, 2. Duke of Ormonde
- Rab Butler
- Robin Butler, Baron Butler of Brockwell
- Thomas Butler, 6. Earl of Ossory
- George Cadogan, 5. Earl Cadogan
- James Callaghan
- Alexander Cambridge, 1. Earl of Athlone
- George Campbell, 8. Duke of Argyll
- John Campbell, 2. Duke of Argyll
- John Campbell, 9. Duke of Argyll
- Charles Canning, 1. Earl Canning
- Stratford Canning, 1. Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe
- Nicholas Carew (Höfling)
- George Carey, 2. Baron Hunsdon
- Henry Carey, 1. Baron Hunsdon
- Peter Carington, 6. Baron Carrington
- Carl XVI. Gustaf
- Carl Eduard (Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha)
- Carol II.
- Robert Carr, 1. Earl of Somerset
- John Carteret, 2. Earl Granville
- Richard Casey, Baron Casey
- Andrew Cavendish, 11. Duke of Devonshire
- Spencer Cavendish, 8. Duke of Devonshire
- Victor Cavendish, 9. Duke of Devonshire
- William Cavendish, 1. Duke of Devonshire
- William Cavendish, 1. Duke of Newcastle
- William Cavendish, 2. Duke of Devonshire
- William Cavendish, 3. Duke of Devonshire
- William Cavendish, 4. Duke of Devonshire
- William Cavendish, 5. Duke of Devonshire
- William Cavendish, 6. Duke of Devonshire
- William Cavendish-Bentinck, 3. Duke of Portland
- William Cavendish-Bentinck, 7. Duke of Portland
- Brownlow Cecil, 2. Marquess of Exeter
- James Cecil, 1. Marquess of Salisbury
- James Cecil, 3. Earl of Salisbury
- Robert Cecil, 1. Earl of Salisbury
- Thomas Cecil, 1. Earl of Exeter
- William Cecil, 1. Baron Burghley
- William Cecil, 2. Earl of Exeter
- William Cecil, 2. Earl of Salisbury
- William Cecil, 5. Marquess of Exeter
- Philippe Chabot
- Austen Chamberlain
- William Chamberlain (Ritter)
- John Chandos
- Charles III.
- Edward Cherleton, 5. Baron Cherleton
- Claude de Lorraine, duc de Chevreuse
- Christian von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel
- Christian von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg
- Christian IV. (Dänemark und Norwegen)
- Christian V. (Dänemark und Norwegen)
- Christian IX.
- Christian X.
- John Churchill, 1. Duke of Marlborough
- Winston Churchill
- Lionel of Antwerp, 1. Duke of Clarence
- George Clifford, 3. Earl of Cumberland
- John Clifford, 7. Baron de Clifford
- Edward Clinton, 1. Earl of Lincoln
- Cameron Cobbold, 1. Baron Cobbold
- Reginald de Cobham, 1. Baron Cobham
- Thomas Coke, 2. Earl of Leicester
- Timothy Colman
- Spencer Compton, 1. Earl of Wilmington
- William Compton, 1. Earl of Northampton
- Arthur of Connaught
- John Conyers (Ritter)
- John Cornewall, 1. Baron Fanhope
- Charles Cornwallis, 1. Marquess Cornwallis
- Montagu Corry, 1. Baron Rowton
- Henry Courtenay, 1. Marquess of Exeter
- Hugh Courtenay († 1348)
- Peter Julius Coyet
- Robert Crewe-Milnes, 1. Marquess of Crewe
- Thomas Cromwell, 1. Earl of Essex
- George Curzon, 1. Marquess Curzon of Kedleston
- Thomas Darcy, 1. Baron Darcy de Darcy
- Giles Daubeney, 1. Baron Daubeney
- Thomas de Grey, 2. Earl de Grey
- John Devereux, 1. Baron Devereux
- Robert Devereux, 2. Earl of Essex
- Walter Devereux, 1. Baron Ferrers of Chartley
- Walter Devereux, 1. Earl of Essex
- Benjamin Disraeli
- James Douglas, 2. Duke of Queensberry
- James Douglas, 9. Earl of Douglas
- William Douglas, 7. Earl of Morton
- William Douglas-Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton
- John Dudley, 1. Duke of Northumberland
- Robert Dudley, 1. Earl of Leicester
- Alexander Duff, 1. Duke of Fife
- Lawrence Dundas, 2. Marquess of Zetland
- Thomas Raymond Dunne
- Anthony Eden
- Edmund of Langley, 1. Duke of York
- Eduard von der Pfalz
- Eduard (Portugal)
- Eduard IV.
- Eduard V.
- Eduard VII.
- Eduard VIII.
- Edward of Woodstock
- Edward, 2. Duke of Kent
- Edward, Duke of Edinburgh
- Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn
- Edward, Duke of York and Albany
- Francis Egerton, 1. Earl of Ellesmere