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Der Artikel „Datei:Graves of Dr. Emil Zsigmondy“ existiert in der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia nicht. Du kannst den Artikel erstellen (Quelltext-Editor, Anleitung).
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- outside of Wikimedia projects is possible under the following terms of license: The image is credited with “© Günter Seggebäing, CC BY-SA 3.0” as part of the…(2.736 × 3.648 (8,14 MB)) - 12:39, 28. Aug. 2023
- biodiversity; MBLWHOI; blc; americana Accession number leopoldina21kais Place of publication Halle (Saale) Authority file OCLC: 1048245236 Source Internet…(1.195 × 1.685 (19,95 MB)) - 12:06, 25. Mai 2024
- Datei:Cemetery Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans.jpg (Kategorie Cemetery of Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans)outside of Wikimedia projects is possible under the following terms of license: The image is credited with “© Günter Seggebäing, CC BY-SA 3.0” as part of the…(3.648 × 2.736 (8,39 MB)) - 15:30, 16. Feb. 2024
- Title from caption Issues for Feb. 1992- have also English title: Annals of anatomy Excerpta medica Index medicus Biological abstracts Chemical abstracts…(910 × 1.366 (40,64 MB)) - 16:57, 10. Aug. 2023
- 1, 1929. Public domain works must be out of copyright in both the United States and in the source country of the work in order to be hosted on the Commons…(670 × 993 (7,66 MB)) - 10:34, 17. Jan. 2022